Reactors External Inspection
1. Nozzles
Visually inspect gasket faces if opened, ORJ gaskets and bolting material. On vessels with pressure sealed gaskets check for distortion, corrosion, and cleanliness.
2. Shell
a. Obtain UT thickness measurements at representative locations on shell and heads.
b. For Isomax reactors, ultrasonically shear wave top and bottom heads, headto-nozzle welds, head-to-shell welds, nozzles, shell-to-support welds. This inspection is to be performed by qualified personnel using the established procedure. All findings should be recorded on appropriate drawings for comparison with future inspections. This inspection will be performed at scheduled frequencies as necessary.
3. Structure
Inspect for corrosion and spalled concrete. Inspect condition of platforms, stairs, and guard rails. Deteriorated areas should be cleaned and painted.
Categories: In-Service Inspection | Tags: Nozzles, Shell | Leave a comment